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  4. OGame War
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OGame War Online Uzay Oyunu
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OGame War
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Gerçek zamanlı online uzay stratejisi. Türkiye'nin en kaliteli ogame sunucusu. Uzaydaki efsanevi oyun! ogamewar.com

OGame War Detaylı Tanıtım

OGame War is a free space strategy game. It is known that the prevalence of the game is increasing day by day and its fame has spread almost all over the world. An internet connection is required first to play Space Bouncers. There is no need for a high-performance graphics card and processor as it is played with simple commands in the browser. A good tactician requires strong nerves, perseverance and endurance for a few hours of fragmented sleep. Originating in Turkey, the game is played in more than 55 universes with 9 to 11,000 players each. The number of universes is increasing day by day. There are a lot of pvp games in Turkey right now, but it is unlikely that this number will stay that way. The game is based on war, plunder, trade and diplomacy. You start the game on a planet. Your goal is to produce raw materials or loot from other planets and develop your civilization by building new fleets and buildings with these raw materials. You cannot capture planets owned by other players, but you can colonize planets that no one has yet, establish new civilizations, produce and use raw materials. By joining forces and forming alliances with other players, you can have a say in the galaxy and fight huge wars between alliances. If you are ready for all this, you can register for the game immediately and end your uninterrupted sleep. however, you can establish new civilizations, produce and use raw materials by colonizing planets that no one has claimed yet. By joining forces and forming alliances with other players, you can have a say in the galaxy and fight huge wars between alliances. If you are ready for all this, you can register for the game immediately and end your uninterrupted sleep. however, you can establish new civilizations, produce and use raw materials by colonizing planets that no one has claimed yet. By joining forces and forming alliances with other players, you can have a say in the galaxy and fight huge wars between alliances. If you are ready for all this, you can register for the game immediately and end your uninterrupted sleep. https://www.ogamewar.com/

OGame War Tanıtım Resimleri

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